The Women's Interfaith Network, founded in 2008, invites women of all ages, abilities, beliefs, cultures, faiths, races, gender identities, and political parties to learn about and value our faith similarities and differences. We work to eradicate stereotypes and prejudice, beginning in our own communities by listening, learning, respecting, and building connections to create a more humane and peaceful world. Our members include women across many faith traditions, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Bahai, Humanism and New Thought, among others. Some of us aren't sure exactly what we believe, but we believe in something!
Many members report that our sharing of traditions has strengthened their own personal spiritual journeys. Our conversations rely less on theology and scriptures. We focus a bit more on our lived experiences and our individual journeys to faith. Snowbirds are welcome! Political topics are not.
Best of all, participating doesn’t require a huge commitment of time. WIN’s range of offerings provides ample opportunities to pick and choose events and activities that suit your busy schedule, from seasonal programs with guest speakers to monthly zoom and in-person book clubs and Common Tables (small lunch groups discussing specific topics). Some members join regardless of their ability to participate in any way, simply to support our important mission. Moreover, our organizational structure focuses on member participation. Our Leadership Circle, composed of volunteers, provides guidance and suggestions. Any member is cordially invited to join this group.
We invite you to peruse our web site and discover what sparks your interest. Suggestions are always welcome!
The Women’s Interfaith Network was established in 2008 by Arlene Pearlman of blessed memory, a social-justice warrior who founded several groups and initiated many successful events in the Sarasota area. Arlene shepherded our fledgling organization through 15 years of profound changes across our country and here in Sarasota. WIN even remained active throughout the long years of Covid, using Zoom for meetings and phone calls to keep in touch. Over time, we expanded far beyond Common Tables to include field trips, some of which are mentioned here:
To join us, download, print, and complete the application.
Please mail your completed form, with a $20 check for annual dues,
to the address on the document.
If you would like to be part of a Common Table or other group,
please return your member application before September 6
so we can seat you at the Table of your choice.
WIN 2025 Member Form (pdf)